oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers

A Twitter API 1.1 compliant wordpress plugin that provides an array of a users timeline from Twitter for use by theme developers.

The new Twitter API requires you be oAuth'd before you can request a list of tweets, this means that all of the existing Twitter plugins that simply make an AJAX request for to the JSON API endpoint broke in March 2013.

This wass a major problem for the vast majority of websites that are currently using twitter, so we built a PHP class that implements all the new requirements for authentication and gives you an array of tweets out of the other end, for you to use in your PHP applications, or WordPress theme. You can find the stand-alone StormTwitter class on GitHub

This plugin wraps our Twitter class and provides a settings screen for easy integration into WordPress. However, it's definitely for developers - you only get a PHP array out of it that contains Twitter tweet objects. You'll still need to style the output and make it comply with the new display requirements.

This plugin does not provide sidebar widgets, shortcodes or any other form of drop-in functionality. You still need to do the styling, we've just done the heavy lifting for you!

Here's some example code for outputting the tweets in HTML:


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