Domain Check

Domain Check

Domain Check allows you to see what domains and SSL certificates are coming up for expiration and to quickly locate the coupons, coupon codes, and deals from your favorite sites before renewing. Add any email addresses and have multiple people get alerts for upcoming domain renewals or SSL certificate expiration. You can also search for new domain names with the domain checker using hundreds of supported extensions and even check if your SSL certificates are working on a number of sites. All this plus bulk importing makes Domain Check the ultimate domain management tool.

Your Domains

Marking a domain as Owned will show it within the Your Domains section. This is used to easily filter out the domain names within Domain Check that you own. You can use this section to easily filter your own domains and add expiration notifications and domain expiration alerts to all of your domains. Searching a domain from the Your Domains section will automatically mark it as Owned. Its also the perfect for anyone using domain mapping to keep track of their domains.

Domain Search

Domain Search is where you can search the availability of domain names just like any other domain checker and see a history of your past domain name searches. Search any of the available domain extensions and TLDs within Domain Check, mark domains as Owned or Taken and set a domain expiration notification for a domain. You can easily click from any search result to see other domains available with the name name but a different domain extension.

Domain Watch

Domain Watch lets you see at a glance which domains you've set up domain expiration alerts for and allows you to view at a glance when your domains are expiring. You can see domains that are Owned or Taken allowing you to monitor other domains you may want backorder to keep track of expiration dates on.

SSL Check

SSL Check is where you can search to see the status of your SSL certificates and check if your current SSL certificates are valid. See all your previous SSL checks easily so you can keep checking all your certificates and mark any of them as needing SSL expirtation notification alerts. See at a glance which SSL certificates are valid and which sites are not secure.

SSL Expiration Alerts

SSL Expiration Alerts allow you to monitor your SSL certificates and send out SSL certificate expiration notifications and alerts. All of the SSL certificates and domains you are monitoring are seen in this SSL Expiration Alerts list and you can refresh or remove any SSL certificate at any time.

Import / Export

Import / Export is how you get your domain names and SSL certificates in to Domain Check. You can use any CSV or XML outputs from your domain registrar or even just highlight you entire list of domains and copy and paste. Domain Check will find any domain names within the CSV, XML, or copy and pasted text and allow you to bulk import your domain names. You can also bulk import SSL certificate URLs and mark any bulk imports to set all domains or SSL certificates to have expiration alerts. This is also a great bulk domain checker.


Like most plugins Domain Check allows you to adjust certain settings within the plugin to help you stay on top your domains and domain names.

Coupons & Deals

The Coupons and Deals section of the plugin is where you can view all of the coupons or deals from major domain registrars, SSL certificate providers, and hosting companies. Refresh the coupons to get the most up to date daily coupon codes.

Services & APIs Used

The plugin uses some data and services for free through calls to URLs & APIs at the domain No tricks, no signups, and everything is 100% free and included with use of the plugin!


Looking for more help with Domain Check, the Domain Search domain checker, Domain Watch, SSL Check, SSL Alerts, or Coupon, Coupon Codes, and Deals? Please see the Domain Check website:

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