Domain Mapping System

By : deniaz

Up for adoption

I'm looking for a developer to adopt the plugin. I've started rewriting the plugin with a more modern approach (composer, psr-4, ...), various bugfixes and new features. Please get in contact with me on either GitHub or @_deniaz on Twitter if you're interested in taking over as I'm not involved with WordPress anymore (at least for the moment).

Carousel Gallery

Adopt this plugin: I no longer have time to actively maintain this plugin. Feel free to adopt it. Carousel Gallery tweaks WordPress' built-in gallery function by simply replacing it with a really neat looking javascript flippable gallery (a carousel)....

Similar: 13%

Easy Digital Downloads - Taxamo Integration

This plugin allows you to use Taxamo's EU VAT recording system within Easy Digital Downloads. In January 2015 EU Legislation required you to record the selling location of all sales from the EU and pay VAT on each purchase. In order to comply, services such as Taxamo will allow you to record the re.........

Similar: 12%

Shopify Importer

Visit the official Shopify Importer plugin page for more support & additional information If you have a website, you may want to export your products from Shopify and into your WordPress blog. This would make it easy to blog about all the products in your store....

Similar: 12%

BNS Add Style

This plugin is considered retired and may not be actively supported going forward. If all you need to do is change a Theme's existing CSS this plugin will provide you an enqueued stylesheet that will not be over-written when a Theme is update; saving you the work of creating and maintaining a Child-.........

Similar: 12%

Dashboard Tweaks

As there are better alternatives to this plugin - also with option panels - I have decided to no further pursue its development. If someone is interested to take over the development, please contact me, so we can arrange that. With the arrival of WordPress version 3.3 the WordPress Dashboard once .........

Similar: 12%

Brown Paper Tickets API

This plugin pulls your events from and will list all of them via a simple shortcode and the event date and time and provide a link for your users to buy tickets off of BPT. You can also display single events with the shortcode as well. The display formatting is basic but every.........

Similar: 12%


jQuery plugin to create google maps with advanced features (overlays, clusters, callbacks, events...) For more information visit Javascript by Jean-Baptiste DEMONTE....

Similar: 12%


The Genealogy plugin for WordPress allows you to map your entire family's relationships. Use the plugin to create a Member for each person in your family. Assign Members parents from the people you have added....

Similar: 12%


Easily link to your Volusion products from within WordPress Once the plugin has been configured, you can easily embed product images using the WordPress Add an Image button. Adding product images has never been easier! (see the Screenshots section for an example)....

Similar: 6%

Lottery Results

The official Lottery Results page is the place for support & additional information...

Similar: 5%