DP Excerpt

DP Excerpt is a WordPress plugin, it can generate a better excerpt from content.

  1. Keep HTML markup in the excerpt(Optional)
  2. Keep Shortcode output in the excerpt(Optional).
  3. Cut off the excerpt to a given length using either character count or word count.
  4. Customize the excerpt length and the ellipsis character.
  5. Automatically add a "read more" link after your excerpt, linking to the full post.
  6. Can ignore <!--more--> tag was used before the summary of a specified length.
  7. Can ignore manual excerpt.
  8. The real excerpt length, HTML markup and shortcode output is not counted.

TODO: Better description and usage.

Auto Excerpt

Automatically show excerpt view on each posts on your homepage and archive pages. It need no HTML editting, so do not worry and just activate it to see the_excerpt view on your homepage. Help you to display only the excerpt on your blog !!!...

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