Easy Custom Auto Excerpt

Easy Custom Auto Excerpt is wordpress plugin to cut/excerpt your post displayed on the home , search or archive pages. This plugin also enable you to customize the readmore button text and thumbnail image. Just active the plugin, configure some options and you're good to go :)

The free version is come with everything you need to auto excerpt your content.

Demo | Premium version | Documentation | Video tutorials | Support forum


Features :

  • Excerpt your post based on character length.
  • Choose to excerpt your on your home, search, archive, or on your custom archive page.
  • Align text (Justify,Right,Left, Center) your text based on your preference.
  • Custom Read More text and Button.
  • Preserve Image on Excerpt.
  • Preserve real excerpt you wrote.
  • Partial Indonesia and Spanish translation.

And if you like our plugin and want to do more customization we offer the premium version with some added feature :

  • Excerpt method by 1st paragraph, 2nd paragraph, and 3rd paragraph
  • Adjust Image Excerpt Position (left, right, center, float left and float right)
  • Adjust Image width and margin
  • Disable excerpt on specific post
  • 10 Read More font type and custom font size
  • 40 + Read More button themes.

Get the premium version on Easy Custom Auto Excerpt Premium

Plugin Demo You can try the plugin on this url: http://coba.tonjoostudio.com

  • username: coba
  • password: 123456

*if you have any questions,comment,customization request or suggestion please contact us via our Tonjoo Forum

Find more detail on our official plugin page : Easy Custom Auto Excerpt

Or you can find our best plugins at Tonjoo Studio

We can also modify your WordPress plugins according to your needs. Visit us : Tonjoo WordPress Developer

Usage Instruction

  1. Install the plugin.
  2. In the Admin Panel, Go to Setting -> Excerpt.
  3. Fill the setting according your need
  4. To remove readmore link fill the readmore options with "-" (without quote)

Please have a time to understand how this plugin is generating excerpt :

  1. If the post have read more, than the read more will be used.
  2. If the post doesn't have read more , than post excerpt will be used.
  3. If the post doesn't have read more and excerpt than it will automagically generate excerpt.

Translation :

  1. Bahasa Indonesian : Todi ~ @todiadiyatmo
  2. Serbian : Ogi Djuraskovic ~ firstsiteguide.com
  3. German
  4. French
  5. Spanish

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