
By : unknown

Drift is the easiest way to add free live chat to your site.

98% of website visitors leave without doing anything! It's time to change that. Live chat is the single fastest path to more conversions, customer insights, and sales. We increased inbound leads by 200% just putting live chat on our own site.

Chatra live chat software

Modern Live Chat Software Deliver happiness & collect feedback. Beautifully. Boost sales, solve issues in real time, for free. Live chat allows you to sell more, answering questions and alleviating concerns to help visitors place an order. Use it to collect actionable feedback to improve your.........

Similar: 49%

JivoChat Live Chat [Official]

JivoChat helps curious customers receive immediate answers in live chat - without having to call or send emails and right on your website! Be quick about answering your buyers, and the conversion on your website will increase dramatically....

Similar: 46%

HappyFox Chat - Free Live Chat for WordPress

Convert anonymous visitors on your website to leads with HappyFox Chat - Live chat software for the next generation. Improve conversion rates 10X on your ecommerce store, by integrating with third party apps like Shopify, Google Analytics & more. Sign up Free here - https://www.happyfoxchat.com .........

Similar: 44%

HappyFox Chat - Premium Live Chat plugin for your WooCommerce site

Convert visitors on your website to leads with HappyFox Chat - Live chat software for the next generation. Improve conversion rates 10X on your ecommerce store, by integrating with third party apps like Shopify, Google Analytics & more. Deep integration with WooCommerce boosts your chat and hel.........

Similar: 43%

MobiChat Live Chat

The Facts About MobiChat and Your Customers Your customers are on mobile devices and MobiChat is the only chat built for mobile first. Install the plugin and get live in 1 minute. Its so simple. Fact! Your customers need guidance when making a buying decision. MobiChat helps you give that guidance.........

Similar: 43%

Subiz Live Chat

Subiz offers a professional customer interaction channel where sales and customer service team can proactively invite visitors for a chat, provide live support, have strong influence on their decision, boost sales and develop good relationship with customers. All of these interactions occur on a liv.........

Similar: 34%

BrainyTalk Plug-in

BrainyTalk Chat Originalmente foi nomeado como WiseDesk Chat e foi desenvolvido como um projeto open source e adaptado para ser utilizado pelos assinantes do BrainyTalk. O App torna mais fácil a interação entre os visitantes e os administradores do site. Mantendo uma conversa ativa com seus visitant.........

Similar: 34%

Free Tools to grow your Email List, Social Sharing and Analytics

SumoMe provides free tools you need to grow your WordPress site. This plugin will make it easy for your readers to join your email list, share your articles and optimize with analytics. The free tools include: List Builder will let you create a fancy lightbox pop up to build email subscriptions .........

Similar: 26%

LiveBeep Chat

What is LiveBeep? LiveBeep is a comprehensive solution designed to manage B2C (Business to Customer) communication on commercial websites. It basically allows you to attract more visitors and increase your sales. Much more than just a live chat!...

Similar: 23%


It is a fact that more then 83% of all consumers need some kind of support, while they try to purchase online. 45% of all customers abandon the website, as they get frustreted that their questions or concerns are not addressed quickly - and as we all know email support easily takes 24 hours to respo.........

Similar: 19%