EDD Promo

By : cbfreeman

Send personalized email messages to your customers within Easy Digital Downloads. When you release an updated version of a product, promoting a new product, specials and discounts, use this extension to send an email with a message exclusively to the your Easy Digital Download’s customers.

Customizable Email Message - Craft a content rich HTML message with full color graphics and vivid text – whether that’s a new edition of your software or a beta test for a new product.

Complete Unsubscribe System – The added {unsubscribe} email link customers can click on to be removed from future promotions.

Email Preview Confirmation – See a preview of your email, with templates and tags processed, after saving changes before sending the live email to all customers.

Send Test Emails – If you’d rather preview your email message inside different email clients, you can easily send test emails to as many email addresses as you like – with tags interpreted and displayed just as your customers will see them.

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