Empty Widget Areas

By : tormorten

Many times while developing themes for WordPress I had to empty widget areas after cloning a site/setting up a site. This started to become annoying. Enter Empty Widget Areas.

With just a click of a button you can empty the whole widget area and remove all the widgets, giving you a fresh start to your widget life.

DNUI Delete not used image

Again : Make backups before intence use of this plugin. This plugin will help you to find all image in the database that are not being used/unused and give you the oportunity to cleanup the database and the server space. You will only delete not used/unused image (based in the logic of a blog site.........

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Optimize Images Resizing

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Custom DataBase Tables

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Simple Revisions Delete

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WP Cron Cleaner

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Displays the Twitter-Images of all your friends as a mosaic in the sidebar of your blog. The plugin is widget ready and comes with many configuration options!...

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Wp Eresults

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This is the accurate Astrological forecast informer at once for all zodiac signs. Really - how Forecast. We're talking about the important events that cover all people. So far - only in Russian. Sorry. We publish a forecast and a detailed description of one next day. You can install this widget o.........

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Clean Up Optimizer - Optimize & Clean Database

WP Clean Up Optimizer optimizes your WordPress as well as clean up the obsolete data from database. You can schedule the process of Cleaning, Optimizing , Deleting and Repairing the database tables without going to phpMyAdmin. By removing revision, draft, auto draft, moderated comments, spam comme.........

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Clean Up Booster - Optimize DB & WordPress

Clean Up Booster is a Superlative High quality WordPress Plugin which allows you to clean up the WordPress Database. The following things should be clean with the Clean Up Booster, which are mentioned below: Auto Drafts Dashboard Transient Feed Unapproved Comments Orphan Comments Meta Orphan Post.........

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