Estimated Reading Time

The Estimated Reading Time plugin simply estimates and displays the time a user will have to spend reading your post.

Post Stats

Statistics about posts length and reading time on dashboard and/or sidebar widget (see screenshots). Optionally, displays additional statistics before each post....

Similar: 50%

Reading Time

Reading Time shows the estimated reading time of the post, in seconds or minutes. The estimate is automatic; a custom value for a single post can be inserted using a Custom Field named "readingtime". For more info:

Similar: 29%

Reading Time WP

WP Reading Time let's you easily add an estimated reading time to your WordPress posts. Activating the plugin will automatically add the reading time to the beginning of your post's content. This can be deactivated in the Reading Time settings which can be accessed from your Dashboard's Settings men.........

Similar: 25%

Guerrilla's Estimated Reading Time

This is a plugin that adds an estimated reading time to the top of your posts. It takes the word count for your post and divides it by 200 which is the average words per minute people read and then outputs the results in minutes and seconds....

Similar: 20%

LP Estimated Reading Time

Let your readers know how much time the blog post will take for reading. This plugin creates an estimated reading time of your posts that is inserted above the content or by using a shortcode. Automatically updates the read time based on the updates the blog post recieves. The plugin is completely .........

Similar: 17%

Simple Word Count and Reading time

Display word count and reading time on your article with a nice and clean like YouTube progress bar....

Similar: 16%


(if you are not familiar with Zipf's law, you may wish to look at the screenshots first, as they provide a visual context for the following) Zipfstats is built around Zipf's law, which states that given some corpus (in this case, a post/page) of natural language, the frequency of any word is invers.........

Similar: 12%

FD Word Statistics Plugin

Shows word and sentence counts plus a readability analysis of the post currently being edited using three different readability measurements. Readability analysis is an attempt to show how difficult a text is to read. There are several methods of doing readability analysis. The most popular methods.........

Similar: 12%

Editor's Columns

The plugin adds several new columns to the post table in WordPress admin area so that you or your editors can quickly analyze guest post submissions. Here are the columns that are added by the plugin: Word Count - Shows the total number of words in the post. Links - Shows a list of all the links in.........

Similar: 12%

Sortable Word Count

Sortable word count adds a sortable column to the admin's post manager, displaying the word count for each post....

Similar: 12%