Post Stats

By : cedbv

Statistics about posts length and reading time on dashboard and/or sidebar widget (see screenshots).
Optionally, displays additional statistics before each post.

Estimated Reading Time

The Estimated Reading Time plugin simply estimates and displays the time a user will have to spend reading your post....

Similar: 67%

2012 Summary

I've adapted this Plugin from "2010 Summary by Tomasz Topa" This plugin generates a brief summary of your blog for year 2012. See how many posts you wrote during the ending year, which were the most popular, who was the most active commenter etc. And then share the stats with your readers - copy .........

Similar: 40%

Reading Time

Reading Time shows the estimated reading time of the post, in seconds or minutes. The estimate is automatic; a custom value for a single post can be inserted using a Custom Field named "readingtime". For more info:

Similar: 29%

Reading Time WP

WP Reading Time let's you easily add an estimated reading time to your WordPress posts. Activating the plugin will automatically add the reading time to the beginning of your post's content. This can be deactivated in the Reading Time settings which can be accessed from your Dashboard's Settings men.........

Similar: 25%

Simple Word Count and Reading time

Display word count and reading time on your article with a nice and clean like YouTube progress bar....

Similar: 24%

Dashboard Wordcount

Updates the Dashboard's At a Glance widget to show the total word count of all the published posts in this WordPress website (and average word count per post). Also shows the age of the website (time since the oldest post). Uses the default dashboard icons and styling, so it's completely seamless. J.........

Similar: 13%

Google Analyticator

Google Analyticator makes it super easy to view Google Analytics within your WordPress dashboard. This eliminates the need to edit your template code to begin logging. Google Analyticator also includes several widgets for displaying Analytics data in the admin and on your blog. One of the most popu.........

Similar: 7%

Google Analytics Top Content Widget

Adds a widget that allows you to display top pages/posts in your sidebar based on google analytics data. Requires a Google Analytics account, and the plugin, "Google Analytics by Yoast" (which will be auto-installed by this plugin, thanks to @jthomasgriffin's awesome TGM Plugin Activation Class). .........

Similar: 7%

PulseMaps Visitor World Map

The PulseMaps plugin visualizes your site visitors' locations on the world map. The plugin includes a map widget which you place on the pages you want to track. The areas where you get the most visitors are shown with a lighter color. The most recent visitors are show as flashing dots on the map..........

Similar: 6%

Whos Among Us -

This is a plugin that will allow you to setup and manage your stats very easily: * With just a few clicks you can setup the plugin and it's widget and test the various displaying options to find which suits your website better! * View stats inside your wordpress instaltation - You will.........

Similar: 6%