F13 Last.fm album Shortcode

By : f13dev

If you blog about music and wish to add information about the album you are viewing without having to source details such as album art, track listings or an album summary, why not use shortcode to do the hard work for you.

Simply install the plugin, add a Last.fm API Token by following the instructions on the admin page and add the shortcode [album artist="anArtist" album="anAlbum"] to insert an array of information about the given album.

Features include:

  • Cached using Transient
  • Styles appearance
  • Includes an image of the album artwork if it is available
  • Album artwork is copied to the Media Library to ensure the image is always available when needed
  • Provides a list of tracks with the track duration
  • Shows a list of tags, such as Genres and 'Albums I own' if the album is marked as owned in the Last.fm account associated with the API key
  • Provides a publish date, althogh this may be the publish date of a re-mastered edition
  • Displays a summary of the album as provided by the Last.fm API


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