Author: f13dev Related WordPress Plugins

GitHub Repository Shortcode

If you are a programmer who uses GitHub then why not share your coding projects via your WordPress blog by adding a snapshot of your repository on any page or post using shortcode. Simply install the plugin and add the shortcode [gitrepo author="author" repo="repo"] to the desired location; changin.........

GitHub Mini Profile Widget

If you are a programmer who uses GitHub then why not share your coding projects via your WordPress blog by adding a snapshot of your profile as a widget Simply add the widget to your preferred location and enter your GitHub username. Features include: Cached using Transient Displays your GitHub .........

WordPress plugin information shortcode

Using WP Plugin Information Shortcode you can simply add information and statistics about your plugin to any page or post on your WordPress powered website. Simply find the slug to your plugin on, which will be the last section of the URL, usually formatted as my-plugin-name, then add.........

F13 Youtube Shortcode

Using F13 Youtube Shortcode you can simply embed a Youtube video into your WordPress powered website using shortcode. Features include: Simply install and add the shortcode All you need is the Youtube video id (the last section of the URL) Optionally set the autoplay attribute to true for the vid.........

F13 Google Maps Shortcode

Using F13 Google Maps Shortcode you can simply embed a secton of Google Maps into your WordPress powered website using shortcode. In order to use this plugin you will require a Google Maps API Key, of which instructions for obtaining one are in the admin panel. Features include: Cached using Tra.........

F13 Movie Embed Shortcode

Using Movie Shortcode you can easily add information about a movie, tv show or episode to a blog post. Simply enter the shortcode: [movie imdb="an IMDB ID"] or [Movie title="A Movie Title"] to a blog post to add an array of information about the movie, tv show or episode. Optional attributes: * ca.........

F13 album Shortcode

If you blog about music and wish to add information about the album you are viewing without having to source details such as album art, track listings or an album summary, why not use shortcode to do the hard work for you. Simply install the plugin, add a API Token by following the instruct.........