F13 Movie Embed Shortcode

By : f13dev

Using Movie Shortcode you can easily add information about a movie, tv show or episode to a blog post.

Simply enter the shortcode: [movie imdb="an IMDB ID"] or [Movie title="A Movie Title"] to a blog post to add an array of information about the movie, tv show or episode.

Optional attributes: * cachetime="A time in minutes" - default is 1440 (24 hours) * plot="short|full" - default is full

If adding the shortcode with a title, rather than an IMDB ID, the following attributes are also optional to find the correct entry: * type="movie|series|episode" * year="The year of the movie"

Features: * Styled appearance * Shows film title, year, release date * If showing a series, the total number of seasons is displayed * If showing an episode, the season and episode number are displayed * Displays the plot or synopsis * Displays a poster image if one is available * If a poster image is available it is added to your media library and loaded locally * Displays movie stats such as the runtime, genre, awards, director, writer, Actors * Displays the available languages and country of origin * Provides the IMDB rating, including a star rating image * Adds a link to the movie on IMDB * Utilizes transient caching to reduce page load times and api calls

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