Flash Media Playback

By : peterelst

The Flash Media Playback plugin allows you to easily embed a video component hosted by Adobe based on the Open Source Media Framework (http://www.osmf.org).

Syntax: [FMP] path to video file [/FMP]

There are a number of optional arguments you can specify, these include:

  • width - width of the video component
  • height - height of the video component
  • controlbar - video controlbar style (docked/floating/none)
  • autohide - automatically hide the control bar (true/false)
  • poster - full path to an image to show before video loads
  • playbutton - whether or not to show a play button overlay (true/false)
  • autoplay - whether video should automatically start playing (true/false)
  • loop - specify if video playback should loop (true/false)
  • streamType - specify the type of video stream (liveOrRecorded/live/recorded/dvr)
  • scaleMode - specify the video scale mode (letterbox/none/stretch/zoom)
  • backgroundColor - background color for the video (hexadecimal value)
  • configuration - full path to an XML configuration file
  • skin - full path to an XML skin for the video player

For more information about the configuration and skinning XML files, see the following PDF: http://www.osmf.org/downloads/pdf/using_fmp_smp.pdf


[FMP width="320" height="240" controlbar="none" autoplay="true"]http://mydomain.com/video.mp4[/FMP]

In the Flash Media Playback plugin options page you can specify whether to embed SWFObject (only disable this if you already have SWFObject included in your WordPress install).

You can decide whether or not to use the HTML5 video fallback feature (useful for devices that don't support Flash such as the iPhone, iPad - requires H.264 video files) as well as set default values for all the optional arguments.


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