Generate Shortlinks


WordPress has created the wonderful functionality of generating shortlinks for post on your blogs. With advanced permalink structures a single link to your site can take up 89% of a short email or a facebok update. However, Wordpress created a very ugly system, the shortlink system simply provides the default permalink structure with ugly url variables.

Here is the documentation on adding shortlinks to your themes on the WordPress Codex


Some themes use the template method to share the short url of your post. The use of this plugin would convert all of those links to trackable ones with or shorter ones with the other services.

Also, when you create a new post a button is created next the the URL of your new post. If you click the "Get Shortlink" button a popup will provide a simple little link to share with all of your friends and fans. Shortlinks

WordPress generates shortlinks for your posts and pages. By default it uses the ?p= with the post ID added to it, but if you have a rather long domain name this isn't very useful. If you use, or even better, Pro, this plugin will help you: it replaces the shortlink WordPress generates .........

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Shortlinks for Jetpack sharing buttons

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WordPress generates shortlinks for your posts and pages. By default it uses the ?p= with the post ID added to it, but if you have a rather long domain name this isn't very useful. If you use, this plugin will help you replace the shortlink WordPress generates with a proper shortlink. .........

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IMPORTANT!!: At present Seesmic has blocked the API key for this plugin, you can read more here. So I have added support for using email notification, this is working for some users and not for others. Sorry but I can't do more about this, so blame to Seesmic not me. UPDATE (2011/08/27): su.........

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URL Shortener

Notice: I've have since stopped development of this plugin as I feel that the state of URL Shortening services seems to have converged and there isn't much more progress I have in the pipeline for this plugin. URL Shortener allows you to generate shortlinks for post/pages using URL Shorteners (e.g..........

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