Author: Ryan Street Related WordPress Plugins

Twentyten Advanced Headers

Now you can showcase custom headers for each category inside your Twentyten theme. It will still allow you to have a custom header for all other pages and still allows the use of page specific custom headers. Basic Information Plugin Home Plugin Reference Development Blog | Report A Bug | Sourc.........

Cool Ryan Easy Popups

5 Minute Setup In just five minutes, you can have brilliant popups on your site....

Generate Shortlinks

Background WordPress has created the wonderful functionality of generating shortlinks for post on your blogs. With advanced permalink structures a single link to your site can take up 89% of a short email or a facebok update. However, Wordpress created a very ugly system, the shortlink system simpl.........

Content Lock

Show or hide content with a simple to use shortcode system. You can access or restrict content for: Logged in/out users different user types, (author, administrator, etc.) different user roles and capabilities URL Keys password entry (good to show teasers, etc) show/hide clickable links ...

Blogroll In Posts

Ever want to use your blogroll in your pages or posts? Ever wanted to show a list of links in a category without editing your templates or using a sidebar widget? Now you can! Easily add and customize a link list with this easy to use plugin. Simply add the [blogroll] shortcode to your pages or p.........