Twentyten Advanced Headers

Now you can showcase custom headers for each category inside your Twentyten theme. It will still allow you to have a custom header for all other pages and still allows the use of page specific custom headers.

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TwentyTen Vanishing Header

When there is no header image specified when using the TwentyTen theme a large whitespace is left. This plugin removes that large white space giving the page a cleaner look....

Similar: 50%


This plugin allows you to show random images with links to your posts in any place of your website. You can adjust count and size of images, add/delete images using admin page. Also you can import all images from posts with preview automaticaly (no duplicate if you already have some image+post pairs.........

Similar: 50%

Cimy Header Image Rotator

Displays an image that automatically rotates depending on setting. You can setup from one second up to one day and more. Intermediate settings are also possible....

Similar: 17%

Easy Menu Manager | WPZest

Easily Delete WordPress Menu Items with one-click, without having to open the 'menu edit' box. It will put trash icons on each menu item which will provide you the functionality to delete a specific menu item or menu branch. If you want to temporary not show any individual menu item, now you can c.........

Similar: 12%

Advanced Custom Fields - Location Field add-on

This is an add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin and will not provide any functionality to WordPress unless Advanced Custom Fields is installed and activated. The Location field provides: a search field where you can type in some coordinates or an address and hit Enter. a Google.........

Similar: 9%

ACF Media Credit

This plugin uses the Repeater field of Advanced Custom Fields to add options for a Credit and Credit Link on each item in your Media Library. Currently this will only correlate and display for IMAGES on the front end. This does not support credits for .pdf files, .swf files, .doc files, etc. Requir.........

Similar: 9%

Advanced Custom Fields: Position Field

Author: mihdan Project URI: License: GPL 2. See License below for copyright jots and tittles. Addon for Advanced Custom Fields that adds a position field (country/region/city) to the available field types...

Similar: 8%

Multiple Sidebars

A wonderful plugin to easily create many custom sidebars. These sidebars can then select in the creation of a post / page / custom post type / category / taxonomy. We give an order, and select several at once. You will see all active sidebars instead of seeing just one. VISIT

Similar: 8%

ACF - Relationship MIME type filter

This plugin is an add-on for Advanced Custom Fields. It allows you to use "post_mime_type" filter in "relationship" field....

Similar: 8%


Thinking of making some money with your website? Try AdRotate. With AdRotate you can easily place advertising banners pretty much anywhere on your site while managing almost everything from the easy to use dashboard. No fussing with your themes code if you don't want to. Create your own adverts with.........

Similar: 4%