Google Rank Tracker

"One of the biggest sources of web traffic continues to be the Google search engine. You can supercharge your SEO strategy with KnowMyRankings." John Chow -

Rank Checker by Surfing Panda

This plugin provides data on the various keywords that bring visitors to your WordPress site. Each time you receive a visit from Google, this plugin will record the keyword they searched for. It will also record your website's ranking for that keyword. This data will be displayed on the WordPress Ad.........

Similar: 43%

Whoosh Traffic

Whoosh Traffic's Rank Tracker plugin allows you to see where you rank on Google and Bing directly from inside your WordPress blog. See where your pages are ranked on Google today and also see a graph of your rankings dating back to when you installed our plugin. At a glance, see which of your Googl.........

Similar: 34%

Wincher Rank Tracker

Free Google ranking tool for all your keywords. Keep an eye on your competitors, generate PDF reports, ranking history in graphs, easy sharing, and a lot more. Download Wincher to get a grip of your SEO and rankings today! Features: Unlimited number of keywords Mobile search engines for Android a.........

Similar: 25%

Distilled Hotlink Builder

The message is hidden in a div layer and displays when the users right clicks the image. It works in most browsers and degrades happily in the ones is doesn't work in....

Similar: 25%

Internal Link Building

This interlinking plugin for WordPress will let you easily and meaningfully link to your old articles, pages or other sites to improve their rankings in search engines and generate more clicks. The Internal Link Building plugin lets you assign keywords to given destination URLs. This way your websi.........

Similar: 23%

SEO Nofollow External

This plugin will add rel="nofollow" and target="_blank" to all external links automatically....

Similar: 17%

SEO Defend

WordPress automatically solves many SEO related issues. However, WordPress can't take care of ensuring your website and domain assets are protected against negative SEO, black hat SEO techniques and bad SEOs. SEO Defend is a SaaS SEO monitoring solution, based on WordPress which ensures your WordPre.........

Similar: 15%

Yoast SEO

WordPress out of the box is already technically quite a good platform for SEO, this was true when Joost wrote his original WordPress SEO article in 2008 (and updated every few months) and it's still true today, but that doesn't mean you can't improve it further! This plugin is written from the groun.........

Similar: 7%

All Meta Tags

An easy to use WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to EASILY add your Meta Tags to the head section of your website. No need anymore to editing a files of your theme or plugins in order to add meta tags. You can add they on plugins settings page. Just add your ID (the meta key “content” val.........

Similar: 5%

Catch Web Tools

Catch Web Tools is a new modular plugin from Catch Themes. Power up your WordPress site with powerful features that were till now only available to Catch Themes users. We currently offer Webmaster Tools, Open Graph, Custom CSS, Social Icons, Catch IDs and basic SEO Optimization modules and will be a.........

Similar: 5%