Rank Checker by Surfing Panda

This plugin provides data on the various keywords that bring visitors to your WordPress site. Each time you receive a visit from Google, this plugin will record the keyword they searched for. It will also record your website's ranking for that keyword. This data will be displayed on the WordPress Administration pages.

Advanced Rank Checker

What is Advanced Rank Checker? Advanced Rank Checker is a system that lets you check your ranking on the keywords you provide. You can check your keywords ranking once a day. You instantly see how many positions your keywords grew or decreased. This plugin will be updated weekly to provide as much.........

Similar: 67%

Whoosh Traffic

Whoosh Traffic's Rank Tracker plugin allows you to see where you rank on Google and Bing directly from inside your WordPress blog. See where your pages are ranked on Google today and also see a graph of your rankings dating back to when you installed our plugin. At a glance, see which of your Googl.........

Similar: 34%

Google Rank Tracker

"One of the biggest sources of web traffic continues to be the Google search engine. You can supercharge your SEO strategy with KnowMyRankings." John Chow - JohnChow.com ...

Similar: 34%

WPX SEO Manager

WPX SEO Manager allows you to... Integrate Google Analytics and Quantcast without touching your theme code. There is also a section to add verification tokens to your header for Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster and Alex Site Rankings. The 3rd feature is the ability to submit your site's sitemap to .........

Similar: 34%


This Plugin lets you set some shortcodes and display content depending on what search engine the visitor came from and what the person searched for. This way you can make sure you can show your visitor content they are looking for....

Similar: 29%

Pro Rank Tracker

Pro Rank Tracker® is a cutting edge ranking tracking tool (SERP Tracker) for keep you up to date with all the latest changes on the rankings of your websites and videos. If you don't have a PRT account yet, you can sign up on: http://proranktracker.com Why choose ProRankTracker software ? Next G.........

Similar: 25%

WordPress Meta Keywords

This plugin will make it possible to use tags as meta keywords. Under Pages you will find a new meta box called Keywords. By activation the plugin registrates a separate taxonomy which is independent from post tags. Today's search engines don't use meta keywords as a criteria at all, but who knows f.........

Similar: 23%

SEO Slugs 4 bbPress

The SEO Slugs 4 bbPress plugin removes common words like 'a', 'the', 'in' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "What You Can Do Immediately For Higher Rankings", WordPress automatically assigns a long filename to your .........

Similar: 23%

Off Page SEO

Let's build better websites with Off Page SEO plugin!...

Similar: 19%


WordPress content is now social! Need your content to make an impact to grow your reach, influence your visitors, and close leads? Use the same techniques the large platforms - like YouTube and SlideShare - use your content to grow... to grow your own WordPress site. Supersize your SEO efforts: E.........

Similar: 6%