GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud

By : unknown

GroupDocs PDF viewer plugin enables you to easily embed and display PDF and Microsoft Office documents right on your WordPress website. The viewer doesn't require Adobe Reader, Flash or other browser plugins and comes with a convenient user interface for easy navigation when viewing multi-page documents.

Please note: this plugin is developed using the GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud API, which means that all documents are stored and processed on GroupDocs' cloud storage. You cannot store documents locally with this plugin. However, in addition to GroupDocs' cloud storage, you can use any of the following 3rd party storage providers: Dropbox, Amazon S3, Box, Windows Azure and Google Cloud.

Before installing the plugin: please be aware that the GroupDocs.Viewer for Cloud API is a paid service and you will have to register with us. We offer a free 14-day trial as well as a free, restricted, plan. For more details, please see all plans available.

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