HTML5 Canvas for Internet Explorer (excanvas)

By : Ramoonus

Modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera support the HTML5 canvas tag to allow 2D command-based drawing. ExplorerCanvas brings the same functionality to Internet Explorer. To use, web developers only need to include a single script tag in their existing web pages.

Comic Sans

Replaces all fonts with Comic Sans MS (using one line of CSS)....

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RGraph: HTML5 canvas graph library based on the HTML5 canvas tag. RGraph is a HTML5 canvas graph library. It uses the HTML5 canvas tag to produce a wide variety of graph types. RGraph is covered by the RGraph License. HTML5 canvas graphs are created in the users web browser, relieving your server .........

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Selectivizr for WordPress

selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8. Simply include the script in your pages and selectivizr will do the rest....

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HTML5shiv for WordPress

This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer. The HTML5 Shiv enables use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer and provides basic HTML5 styling for Internet Explorer .........

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Modernizr for WordPress

This plugin adds the Modernizr to your WordPress installation. Modernizr is a small JavaScript library that detects the availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies, i.e. features that stem from the HTML5 and CSS3 specifications. Many of these features are already impl.........

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Microformat Shiv

Browsers should come with APIs to parse semantic content such as microformats, unfortunately this has yet to happen. The microformat shiv provides a simple to use, light-weight, cross-browser microformat API. It even works with modern mobile browsers and is backward compatible with Internet Explorer.........

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Google Chrome Frame plugin for wordpress

Enjoy the power of The Google Chrome V-8 Webkit Engine on old Internet Explorer browsers (version 6+). Google Chrome frame for WordPress will prompt your Internet Explorer users to install the Google Chrome Frame add-on (automatically redirects back to your site when finished), this will let your ol.........

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Internet Explorer 10 Compatibility Inspector

Compat Inspector is a JavaScript-based testing tool that analyzes your site while it runs. Compat Inspector reports patterns of interaction which cause issues in recent modes. This allows you to identify problems quickly without memorizing a bunch of documentation or searching through the entirety o.........

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While Loading

It shows a screen while all the content loads. If you have a page that takes long time to display it is a good idea to show a "wait until the page loads" image. It seems faster because now they see a message and a gear instead of just dealing with partially rendered content....

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CSS & JavaScript Toolbox

Update Notice After a long hiatus in development, we have decided to focus our entire efforts on our new premium extension plugin called CSS & JavaScript Toolbox PLUS, which is designed to work with and UPGRADE the free version. Unfortunately we will be moving many features from the free versio.........

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