While Loading

By : Garmur

It shows a screen while all the content loads. If you have a page that takes long time to display it is a good idea to show a "wait until the page loads" image. It seems faster because now they see a message and a gear instead of just dealing with partially rendered content.

Selectivizr for WordPress

selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8. Simply include the script in your pages and selectivizr will do the rest....

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HTML5 Canvas for Internet Explorer (excanvas)

Modern browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera support the HTML5 canvas tag to allow 2D command-based drawing. ExplorerCanvas brings the same functionality to Internet Explorer. To use, web developers only need to include a single script tag in their existing web pages....

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FitText.js, a jQuery plugin for inflating web type

Fixtext is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8....

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d3 simplecharts

d3-simpleCharts is here: you can start to show the next generation W3C's sharp charts and graphs (eq SVG formats via d3.js library) from your any WordPress blogs easily. This WP plug-in contains just 4 simple example graph types that you can call and draw by one shortcode: 'simpleChart' The avail.........

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NVD3 Visualisations

NVD3 visualisations is a full set of visually interactive charts that you can control by simple options. You can start to create any example chart into your blog and study it more before you decide if that suits for your visual presentation's needs at hand. This product lets you generate as many c.........

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Super Zoom Gallery

Yet another gallery plugin. I was looking for a simple gallery where you can select a thumbnail, see the complete picture in a acceptable size but also have the oppertunity to see the details of the image. I searched the web for a way to do this and found the AnythingZoomer, a jQuery Plugin by Chr.........

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Accordion Shortcode And Widget

This is a highly customizable accordion builder for wordpress. You can add unlimited accordion and collapse with unlimited colour. Accordion Shortcode And Widget also support Font Awesome Icon. You can easy sort your accordion position using backend. Accordion is built-in bootstrap. Accordion desig.........

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Ultimate Accordion

This plugin will enable an awesome ultimate accordion use anywhere your wordpress theme page. Fully customization & responsive layout.. Just use Shortcode. Accordion Style One Shortcode [ultimate_accordion_style_1 category="............." shownumberpost="........" bootstrap_columns="....." ] Ac.........

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CSS & JavaScript Toolbox

Update Notice After a long hiatus in development, we have decided to focus our entire efforts on our new premium extension plugin called CSS & JavaScript Toolbox PLUS, which is designed to work with and UPGRADE the free version. Unfortunately we will be moving many features from the free versio.........

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A Page Flip Book

NEW RELEASE : Page Flip Book for WordPress is the easiest way to manage virtual 3D books you can browse with your mouse. This plugin allows you to upload, resize, border and re-order your images. You can also choose background image or texture if you need it. Both Flash AND jQuery animations, iOs c.........

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