IBA Store Links

This plugin allows mobile app developers to quickly post links to their products on multiple app stores.It supports iPhone, iPad, Universal Apps, Mac Apps, Amazon, Nook, Win8 and Droid.


[storelinks amazon="http://www.linktostore/" android="http://www.linktostore/" ipad="http://www.linktostore/" iphone="http://www.linktostore/" mac="http://www.linktostore/" nook="http://www.linktostore/" universal="http://www.linktostore/" win8="http://www.linktostore/"]

it also allows you to use a subset of those

[storelinks ipad="http://www.linktostore/" win8="http://www.linktostore/"]

When viewing the page it displays a 45px square icon for each store that links directly to the developers app.

Master Link

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