Interserve Data Feeds

By : itmatio

Creates custom post types for the various data feeds from and automatically imports data from those feeds once a day.


  • [isdata_contact_list] shows an unordered list of office names in alpha order
  • [isdata_contact_map] shows a google map with pins for each office, linking to the office detail page
  • [isdata_job_related n="10" location="locations" profession="professions" duration="durations"] shows a table of jobs that are similar to the current displayed job or search terms, or if there are no current terms it shows the newest priority jobs. Each job links to its detail page. Each taxonomy term links to a related search.
  • [isdata_job_list n="10" location="locations" profession="professions" duration="durations"] shows a table of jobs exactly matching the currently displayed job or search terms. If there are no current terms, it shows the newest priority jobs. Each job links to its detail page. Each taxonomy term links to a related search.
  • [isdata_job_search] shows a search form with location, profession, duration and a free text field. It is aware of any pre-set taxonomy terms and will automatically set them in the field values. Use this with an [isdata_job_list] field to implement a job search page.
  • [isdata_story_related n="10" location="locations" profession="professions"] ditto for stories
  • [isdata_story_list n="10" location="locations" profession="professions"] ditto for stories
  • [isdata_story_search] ditto for stories
  • [isdata_profession_list] shows an unordered list of the profession taxonomy, with counts
  • [isdata_location_list] shows an unordered list of the location taxonomy, with counts
  • [isdata_duration_list] shows an unordered list of the duration taxonomy, with counts
  • [isdata_statistics] shows a two column table of random stats about Interserve
  • [isdata_child_pages] shows the pages that are children of this page

In the above, shortcode parameters are

  • n="10" means restrict the number of items in the list to 10. Range 1..50
  • location="locations" means display only items matching the taxonomy slugs for locations. You can use a comma separated list like location="central-asia,india" if you want more than one location. If it doesn't work as expected, check the spelling of the shortcode slug by hovering over a link to that term on the public part of the site. Omit this parameter to show all locations
  • profession="professions" as above eg profession="education,other"
  • duration="durations" as above eg duration="elective"


  • Job Openings: shows a context aware list of related job openings with links to view them. You can set the number of openings to display.
  • Stories: shows a context aware list of related stories with links to view them. You can set the number of stories to display.
  • Child Pages: shows pages that are children of the current page


The Plugin settings page is in the Settings menu

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