
By : sgt

Wp-Ticker basiert auf jQuery und es ist moeglich, mehrere Ticker-Instanzen zu erstellen. D. h. es koennen mehrere Ticker auf einer Seite/in einem Artikel oder z.B. in der Sidebar und in einer Seite bzw. einem Artikel dargestellt werden. Alle Ticker werden ueber eine zentrale Style-Datei formatiert (Groesse, Aussehen, etc.). Die Text-Effekte koennen modular erweitert werden. Neue Module und Updates werden unter WP-Ticker SteGaSoft veroeffentlicht. WP-Ticker kann auch als Live-Ticker genutzt werden, da der Inhalt per Ajax geladen wird. D. h. es ist kein Reload der Seite notwendig, um Aktualisierungen zu sehen. Mit WP-Ticker koennen auch (die meisten) ATOM-Feeds geparst werden.


A simple ticker plugin for wordpress. It supports multiple tickers. You can define an update interval in minutes in which the client updates it's message list from the server. This update request includes new messages, which have been posted until the last update. You can also specify the amount of .........

Similar: 78%


Bknewsticker for WordPress is a powerful news ticker that lets you display your latest posts, Local Entries RSS feed , Local Comments RSS feed, External RSS feed. DEMO: Click here for live demo It can be implemented anywhere on your Blog/Website. This Newsticker shows your featured content (Set .........

Similar: 53%


FikraTicker provides WordPress with a sleek and multi-options newsticker. It can be displayed in any place in your website/blog. This ticker shows the latest news/posts. You can control the news display from the control panel. This newsticker is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to give his si.........

Similar: 45%

Syndicate Press

Syndicate Press lets you include RSS, RDF or Atom feeds directly in your WordPress Posts, Pages, Widgets or anywhere in your theme. Syndicate Press features an easy to use admin page and includes great features such as feed caching, filters and numerous display options. Unlike a number of other new.........

Similar: 16%


This Widget Plugin enables you to display Sportgate News Feeds on your WordPress website without knowing anything about the format of the feeds. Just select from a preset list of categories which feed you want to have displayed and customize its appearance as you like inside the boundaries of Sportg.........

Similar: 11%

WP Optimize By xTraffic

Plugin WP Optimize By xTraffic automatically optimizes your WordPress site more useful and powerful through the special features. Everything is done completely automatically, and you can change the options from the administration settings panel....

Similar: 7%


Improve your web typography with: Hyphenation — over 40 languages supported Space control, including: widow protection gluing values to units forced internal wrapping of long URLs & email addresses Intelligent character replacement, including smart handling of: quote marks dashes el.........

Similar: 6%

Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

Similar: 5%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 5%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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