iOli URL Shortener

By : unknown

With our new WordPress plug-in you can automatically create iOliĀ® links for new posts and have those short links pushed to your pre-existing social sharing tools. Additionally, you can show a iOli sidebar widget that displays your most popular or most recent iOlimarks OR displays the top results from the iOli Seo universe for a search term of your choosing.

This plugin uses the iOli Seo API ( all links are stored in WordPress and with iOliĀ®. URL Shortener URL shortener let you create your own short url, just like http://yoursite/-abc, instead of using other short url services You can easily manage them with a paginating list of your short urls, change details, delete, or track clicks of them. Your tiny urls may redirect as 301 permanently r.........

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URL Shortener

Notice: I've have since stopped development of this plugin as I feel that the state of URL Shortening services seems to have converged and there isn't much more progress I have in the pipeline for this plugin. URL Shortener allows you to generate shortlinks for post/pages using URL Shorteners (e.g..........

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Make Money with and WP

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ShortLink Analytics by SVS-Websoft

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WPU ShortLinks

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