Javascript Loader

A collections of Javascript libraries that often used by developers. Easily enable and disable them from the admin panel.

For more information, check out on Github.

Add LightBox & Title

This plugin automatically add the rel="lightbox[POST-ID]" to images linked in a post and in a comment, and recovers the image title. POST-ID is unique per post so all images per post are grouped in one LightBox set. Doesn't add the files required for LightBox, it's add the "rel lightbox" tag. You ha.........

Similar: 17%

Cache External Scripts

Often when trying to optimize the Google Pagespeed score, there is one script which still causing the 'Leverage browser caching' rule popping up: Google's own analytics.js file... With this plugin you will be able to cache this file on your local server and enable browser caching for longer than 2 .........

Similar: 13%