Karailiev's sitemap

By : unknown

This plugin adds a XML sitemap and news sitemap to your blog. It's used to show all your pages and posts to the search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Google XML Sitemap Generator by Anton Dachauer

This Plugin generates automaticly an XML sitemap for search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. It helps the search engines to better index your blog. Please report bugs to kontakt@antondachauer.de Related Links: Plugin Homepage ...

Similar: 55%

Google XML Sitemaps v3 for qTranslate

This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it's much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of W.........

Similar: 55%

Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it's much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all k.........

Similar: 55%

Google Sitemaps XML

This is special plugin which helps your WordPress site to easily create sitewise XML sitemap and ping Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to index your WordPress site or blog. This plugin generates XML sitemap following sitemap.org Sitemap protocol to help search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN to bett.........

Similar: 47%

Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (with sitemapindex, multi-site and Google News sitemap support)

With BWP GXS you will no longer have to worry about the 50,000 URL limit or the time it takes for a sitemap to be generated. This plugin is fast, consumes much less resource and can be extended via your very own modules (yes, no hooks needed!). Here's a demo of the sitemapindex if you are interested.........

Similar: 38%

Google Sitemaps - Append UTW Tags

This WordPress plugin automatically appends all your blog tags generated by the Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) WordPress Plugin onto the end of the Google XML Sitemap (sitemap.xml) file as generated by the Google XML Sitemaps for WordPress Plugin. For example, say you have 60 UTW tags in your blog, and.........

Similar: 38%

XML Sitemap & Google News feeds

This plugin dynamically creates feeds that comply with the XML Sitemap and the Google News Sitemap protocol. Multisite and Polylang compatible and there are no files created. Options can be found on Settings > Reading to control which sitemaps, which post and taxonomy types are included, how prio.........

Similar: 38%

Sitemap Generator for Webmasters

This plugin will generate a xml based sitemap.org compliant sitemap for your website. This is required to get your sitemap listed in Google/Bing or Yahoo webmaster tools. This sitemap will help Google, Yahoo, Bing and leading search engines to index your blog based on this sitemap and never miss an.........

Similar: 34%


SiteTree is a lightweight and user-friendly tool that lets you add to your WordPress site a human-readable Google (Image) Sitemap for search engines and/or a customisable Archive Page (or HTML5 Compliant Site Map) for your visitors in no time. To learn more, visit SiteTreePlugin.com...

Similar: 15%


Squirrly SEO helps you write content that is SEO friendly and ALSO Human friendly. You'll get to improve your rankings, while providing your readers with great content. See Your SEO Stats, get a weekly SEO Audit and find the best keywords. It works well with WordPress sites that already have Yoast .........

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