Kwik Framework

Kwik Framework is a framework for rapid development of WordPress themes and Plugins. It lets you quickly create option pages with dynamic error handling, programmatically generate markup where needed and provides custom inputs for your theme or plugin.

Customizer Framework

A lightweight and easy-to-use framework for the WordPress Customizer. Provides a simple and intuitive API for registering Customizer settings, including advanced control types. Automatically sanitizes settings based on the control type. Eliminates the tedious task of registering a setting, control, .........

Similar: 24%


Sunrise is an opensource and OOP-based WordPress plugin framework. It was designed to speed up plugin deployment, together with sufficient functionality. This great framework allows you to create powerful options pages with just a few lines of code....

Similar: 22%

Titan Framework

Titan Framework allows theme and plugin developers to create a admin pages, options, meta boxes, and theme customizer options with just a few simple lines of code. This means faster theme & plugin creation for everyone. What is Titan Framework and how does it work?...

Similar: 20%

Quick New Site Defaults

The plugin saves your time with default settings on a single options page. After you have installed a new WordPress site activate that plugin and choose a few settings. The plugin sets typical settings either for a blog site or a static site. Save them with one single click and the configuration of .........

Similar: 19%

Admin Page Framework

One of the time-consuming part of developing WordPress plugins and themes is creating setting pages. As you more and more write plugins and themes, you'll soon realize major part of code can be reused. Admin Page Framework aims to provide reusable code that eliminates the necessity of writing repeat.........

Similar: 17%

Options Definitely

Options Definitely is a framework for developers that allows them to easily add options and their input fields to the WordPress admin so that a user can manage them. You can add new menus and options pages, add fields to those pages and organize them in multiple tabs and settings sections. The plug.........

Similar: 15%

Custom Global Variables

Create your own custom variables to manage information on your website such as: Phone numbers Addresses Social media links HTML snippets And anything else Easily access them globally in WordPress and PHP....

Similar: 12%

WP Caregiver

With this plugin you can turn on/off some theme and core services of WordPress or even you can customize it too....

Similar: 12%

Hikari Tools Framework

Hikari Tools Framework isn't a plugin with features for the end user. It's a development framework with tools to be used by other plugins, so that they don't need to duplicate the same code over and over again. It deeply decreases plugins development time, specially in building options pages. For t.........

Similar: 9%

PIKLIST | Rapid development framework

CURRENTLY IN BETAPiklist is the most powerful framework available for WordPress. Easy for beginners... built for developers. Piklist helps you build things - fast. Piklist is a rapid development framework for WordPress that will let you concentrate on the main focus of your plugin or theme, and le.........

Similar: 5%