Locco Emoticons

Plugin creat pentru toti membrii blogosferei.

Kaskus Emoticons

Kaskus Emoticons is an emoticon set inspired by Kaskus, the Largest Indonesian Community - consisting of over a million active members from all over the world. The images which are used in this plugin are copyright of Kaskus...

Similar: 90%

Zaazu Emoticons

The only plugin for wordpress that gives you access to a variety of smileys created by ZaaZu.com. ZaaZu Smiley Emoticons is a WordPress Plugin that offers amazing and unique smileys for your blog. With these wonderful and crazy smileys you'll be able to easily integrate smileys to your posts, pages.........

Similar: 82%

Yahoo! Emoticons for Custom Smilies 2.3

Works with Custom Smilies 2.3! I use Custom Smilies 2.3 plugin. However, I prefer the Yahoo! Messenger emoticons. So, I did some digging, found them all, then tweaked my plugin to use those emoticons. Yahoo! Emoticons for Custom Smilies 2.3 is a tweak for the plugin Custom Smilies 2.3 found at http.........

Similar: 72%

Yahoo Messenger Emoticons

Yahoo Messenger Emoticons allows you to use the emoticons from Yahoo Messenger, both in posts and in comments, instead of the default smilies....

Similar: 63%

Shortcode Emojis

Implement emojis into your posts and pages. Using CSS, transparent PNGs seamlessly integrate with your favorite theme and color scheme. This plugin shows emojis by using shortcodes. It will not override the default Smileys. How To Use: After activating this plugin, an emoji icon will appear next.........

Similar: 56%

C4F Textarea Toolbar

C4F Textarea Toolbar is a plugin for WordPress aimed at providing a simple yet very useful and precise tool to insert emoticons and markup in the comments' textarea. The JavaScript code used has been written to specifically address most (if not all) flaws in the interpretation of cursor position and.........

Similar: 47%

Echo Chamber Comments

The Echo Chamber Comments plugin leverages echochamber.js, a project on GitHub by @tessalt From the project's description: "Install to add a simple comment form to your blog post or website. why not just use disqus? Because then there'd be a chance that someone would read the comments. You might.........

Similar: 27%


This plugin allows you to show the latest comments, pingbacks or trackbacks in the sidebar of your blog or anywhere else. The plugin comes with widget and gravatar support and gives you the options to finetune the listing the way you like it. Most themes bring along their own stylesheet rules. This.........

Similar: 20%

Like Button Voting & Rating

The Like Button Voting & Rating plugin allows you to add a cool looking fully customizable Like button to: Posts Pages Comments WooCommerce Products BuddyPress Activities and Members bbPress Forum Posts and Users Custom Post Types ...

Similar: 9%

Creative Contact Form

Creative Contact Form - You will be surprised by count of all the possible features! It is packed with a Template Creator wizard to create fanstastic contact forms in a matter of seconds without coding. Popular form types: Contact Form, Feedback Form, Application Forms, Surveys, Reservation Form, C.........

Similar: 5%