Merge + Minify + Refresh

This plugin merges/concatenates Cascading Style Sheets & Javascript files into groups. It then minifies the generated files using Minify (for CSS) and Google Closure (for JS - fallback to Minify when not available). Minification is done via WP-Cron so that it doesn't slow down the website. When JS or CSS changes files are re-processed. No need to empty cache!

Inspired by MinQueue and Dependency Minification plugins.

Minification by Minify and Google Closure

In order to ensure fast loading times its recommended to set long expiry dates for CSS and JS as well as make sure gzip or deflate is on.

Note Installing this plugin on a server with the eAccellerator module installed has the potential to break as Minify uses anonymous functions which return NULL. View eAccellerator Issue Thread


  • Merges JS and CSS files to reduce the number of HTTP requests
  • Handles scripts loaded in the header & footer
  • Compatable with localized scripts
  • Creates WP-Cron for minification as this can take some time to complete
  • Minifies JS with Google Closure (requires php exec) with fallback to Minify
  • Minifies CSS with Minify
  • Failed minification doesn't break the site. Visitors will instead only see the merged results
  • Stores Assets in /wp-content/mmr/ folder
  • Uses last modified date in filename so any changes to JS or CSS automatically get re-processed and downloaded on browser refresh
  • View status of merge and minify on settings page in WordPress admin


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