MK to Lat

By : unknown

It converts the Macedonian cyrillic characters of the title posts into latin to build better, readable and Search Engine Friendly urls.

For example:

Lets say you want your wordpress to be in Macedonian. So you intall wordpress, install the Macedonian language files, translate the template menus and stuff to Macedonian, but after your first post with title: "Здраво Свет!" you noticed that the url of that post has become something like:

instead of the good for eyes url:

This happens because cyrillic characters are not supported in urls and so the code translates them into browser readable language. Now this has two main disadvantages:

  1. It's not good for visitors, because it doesn't look human, and some may even think they have been hacked (yup, there still are paranoic people out there :) )
  2. It is bad for search engines. Let say someone writes the phrase "zdravo svet" on google and if you have your urls set up with this plugin then you will rank higher.

wp-cyr-cho | Конвертира кирилски символи в латиниски

Този плъгин (приставка, разширение) е направен, за да транслитерира кирилицата която се поява в URL-тата на WordPress блоговете. Механизмът за конвертиране е взаимстван от оригиналното решение на “Лошия”, като този плъгин прави мащаба на транслитерацията в блога по-голям, като се работят.........

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