wp-cyr-cho | Конвертира кирилски символи в латиниски

By : Mrasnika

Този плъгин (приставка, разширение) е направен, за да транслитерира кирилицата която се поява в URL-тата на WordPress блоговете. Механизмът за конвертиране е взаимстван от оригиналното решение на “Лошия”, като този плъгин прави мащаба на транслитерацията в блога по-голям, като се работят не само върху постовете/статиите, но и върху етикетите, категориите и т.н.


Contents of the site should be written using Cyrillic script. Then, this plugin will allow users to choose to read contents in Cyrillic or Latin script. If some contents is entered in Latin script, it would stay in Latin even if user chooses to use Cyrillic. Transliteration occurs only from Cyrilli.........

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This plugin converts Greek characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters. (Greeklish). Greek text turns into a long series of non-readable symbols when appeared in URLs, which makes it look bad. This plugin solves the problem and it just works!...

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Converts Cyrillic characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters. Useful for creating human-readable URLs....

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MK to Lat

It converts the Macedonian cyrillic characters of the title posts into latin to build better, readable and Search Engine Friendly urls. For example: Lets say you want your wordpress to be in Macedonian. So you intall wordpress, install the Macedonian language files, translate the template menus an.........

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ACF: Rus-To-Lat

Add-On plugin for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) that converts Cyrillic characters in field name to Latin characters....

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WP Nice Slug

Plugin sanitizes title for post slug, replacing non-Latin characters to ASCII. Requires PECL::Package::translit At the moment the supported transliteration filters include: * Cyrillic-to-Latin transliteration; * Greek-to-Latin transliteration; * Han-to-Latin transliteration; * Hebrew-to-Latin tran.........

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This plugin can convert text from Kazakh Cyrillic to Arabic script in posts....

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Converts Cyrillic characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters. Useful for creating human-readable URLs. After the activation changes every slug to Latin characters, but old slugs will work too....

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Cyr to Lat enhanced

Converts Cyrillic and Georgian characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters. Useful for creating human-readable URLs. This plugin is a fork of cyr2lat plugin....

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WP Translit

When visitor enter some site written in Serbian Cyrillic script, WP Translit can automatically or on demand transliterate that site to Latin script. This is performed by checking Accept Language HTTP headers. If visitor don't have Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian or Russian language set as preferred .........

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