Multi-Column Taxonomy List

Multi-Column Taxonomy List is a plugin that allows you to list your categories, tags, or custom taxonomies into multiple columns.

This plugin is great to use on custom archives index pages to display all categories, tags, and custom taxonomies on a single page. You can also turn the list into links to the RSS feeds for your taxonomies.


This plugin creates an APML Feed using the the native WordPress-Tags, -Categories, -Links and -Feeds. You can find a demo file here:

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My Media Category

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Post-to-Post Links II

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Hikari Internal Links

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Related Posts by Taxonomy

Quickly increase your readers' engagement by adding related posts in the sidebar or after post content with a widget or shortcode. Posts with the most terms in common will display at the top. This plugin is capable of finding related posts in multiple taxonomies and post types. Include or exclude te.........

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Rich Text Tags

A TinyMCE Editor for Tags, Categories, and Taxonomies The Rich Text Tags Plugin allows you to edit tag descriptions, category descriptions, and taxonomy descriptions using WordPress' built in rich-text editor. Switch between WYSIWYG and HTML editing modes with the click of a link. Use the WordPress.........

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SEO Internal Link Shortcode

This plugin allows you to create internal <a> links within your content that will not break when things get renamed or moved. While there are similar plugins available, they do not offer important SEO options. You can add any HTML attribute to your link as long as it's prefixed with "attr_". .........

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WordPress Shortcodes

WordPress Shortcodes is a free WordPress plugin that brings an amazing set of beautiful and useful elements to your site. The plugin comes bundled with the full set of elements, all absolutely free of charge. Learn how you can use WordPress Shortcodes to easily create import / export safe links to .........

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Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

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The WordPress Plugin (WCCWPPI) is a free eBay WordPress plugin that displays Most Popular eBay items and auctions in real-time -- in your blog's sidebar (a WordPress Widget) and/or within individual blog posts. You can also display eBay items from any specific seller, or show the eBay.........

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