Multisite Global Terms

Multisite Global Terms allows all sites across a WordPress multisite network to share the categories/tags/terms.

It uses the main site's table to store all the terms. Please visit the blog post on BuddyDev for support or to ask a questions.

Sitewide Google Analytics

This plugin adds Google Analytics tracking code to all WordPress pages. If multisite/network mode is enabled, this tracking code will be the same on all sites, which was the main purpose for authoring it. It's very basic. This plugin includes a settings page that allows users to enable or disable.........

Similar: 34%

Merge duplicate terms

Automatically finds duplicate terms (with same name) in each taxonomy, then moves posts from duplicates to its original terms and deletes duplicate terms. You can choose which duplicates you want to merge and delete....

Similar: 29%

Generate Posts and Terms

This is a simple and clean plugin for generating new posts, categories and tags for your site. Adding posts and terms for custom post types and custom taxonomies is possible too. In the plugin there is an Admin Panel that will allow you to configure how many posts and with witch categories and tag.........

Similar: 25%

Media Library Filter

This plugin adds 2 drop down menus to your Media Library (WordPress Admin Area > Media) which enable you to filter the media in your library by the taxonomies and terms (ie. categories) your media is associated with. Media is generally "attached" to Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, etc. All thes.........

Similar: 23%

Visual Term Description Editor

Replaces the term description editor with the WordPress TinyMCE visual editor, allowing you to use HTML in term descriptions and write them in rich text. Works on all taxonomies, including tags, categories and link categories, as well as custom taxonomies. This plugin is multisite-compatible; if yo.........

Similar: 19%

WikiTip Knowledge Cluster ToolTip for WordPress

This plugin integrates a tooltip dictionary with terms definitions stored at is a WordPress Multisite installation available for subscription of subdomains that are named Knowledge Clusters. All post tags are making the terms dictionary, post content is the definition of t.........

Similar: 17%

Custom Taxonomy Order NE

Custom Taxonomy Order New Edition is a plugin for WordPress which allows for the ordering of taxonomies. It supports the following features: Order (custom) taxonomies through a simple drag-and-drop interface. No custom coding needed. It uses standard WordPress filters. It uses the available WordP.........

Similar: 11%

YD Network-wide WPML

This plugin is an add-on to the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin from It is also an add-on to the WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages plugin from Donncha O Coimh (aka. SWT). It will make it possible to have site-wide contents, search, tags and categories in multiple languages....

Similar: 7%

Photo Express for Google

Browse your Google+/Picasa Web albums and select images or whole albums to insert into your posts/pages. This is an unofficial fork of Picasa Express 2. The fork has been necessary because the authentication for private photo albums of "Picasa and Google Plus Express" has been broken since April 2.........

Similar: 6%

SEO Ultimate

From the Creators of SEO Ultimate Premium Support Now Available The SEO Design Solutions team does not provide support for SEO Ultimate on the WordPress forums. However, dedicated one on one email support is available when you upgrade to SEO Ultimate+. The premium version of SEO Ultimate also has .........

Similar: 4%