My Permalink Demo

While working on my Read Offline plugin, I wanted to implement permalinks. After intensive googling and reading the WordPress source I thought I'd share my findings.

This commented plugin demonstrates how to implement a custom permalink for your plugin. To test, add the [mypermalink] or [mypermalink val="ipsum"] shortcode to a page or post.

You can view the plugin source at

Rewrite Flush Button

It was brought to my attention shortly after releasing this plugin that WordPress automatically flushes rewrite rules when you visit WP-Admin > Settings > Permalinks. Ingenious, right? So don't bother installing it, but feel free to check out the code if you are looking for an example of how t.........

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Filter Rewrite Rules

Filter rewrite rules for better performance on post/pages with active permalinks; can help you to load faster backend and frontend....

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Rewrite is a WordPress plugin to help you doing many things with URL rewrite such as edit, backup, restore and create custom rewrite without having to touch PHP code. With this plugin you can also test URL that match to rules....

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Permalink Validator

WordPress 2.3 now includes validation of the permalink URL when using Apache web server, but if using IIS then this plugin is still relevant. Permalink Validator helps Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it prevents duplicate contents on your WordPress blog: Adds trailing back-slash if missing (C.........

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Simple Custom Post Types

WordPress 3.1 and up allow to manage new custom post type, this plugin makes it even simpler, removing the need for you to write any code. Excerpt update your theme ! This plugin provides a nice interface and easy access. The plugin provides almost all the parameters of the WordPress CPT API. It's.........

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Three alternative to standard widget Categories, Recent Posts and Pages. These widgets can be used as short tags: WK_trem working with categories, post_tag or any taxonomies. Settings from function get_terms(). WK_posts works with posts, pages and any other type of records. Settings from class WP_.........

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Query Inside Post

Displays a custom list of posts to the current one. It use the new Shortcode API of WP2.5 and the WP_Query New, it works too in your template file ! More infos....

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All Post Statuses for Add Link

Like this plugin? Consider leaving a quick review or writing about how you've used it on your site - send me a link to that write up if you do. This plugin is maintained on GitHub, so feel free to use the repository for reporting issues, submitting feature requests and submitting pull requests. Th.........

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Fetch URL - Fetch and Parse External Content

Use the shortcode 'remote_get' with the parameter 'url' to insert the content from that url into your page or post. The are available parameters like start and stop/end to parse out a specific part of the content that you wish to display. Now you can also wrap any content in the 'preg_replace' shor.........

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YD *FAST* Page update

Drastically reduce page updating time! This WordPress plugin optimizes page management routines, it accelerates page saving time by bypassing the very heavy process of rebuilding all the rewriterules of your pretty-permalink enabled blogs each time anything on a page is changed. When using WordPre.........

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