Rewrite Flush Button

It was brought to my attention shortly after releasing this plugin that WordPress automatically flushes rewrite rules when you visit WP-Admin > Settings > Permalinks. Ingenious, right? So don't bother installing it, but feel free to check out the code if you are looking for an example of how to:

  1. Use the WordPress Settings API to add an option to an existing Settings page;
  2. Use the WordPress AJAX API in conjunction with your plugin options;
  3. Over-engineer a solution to a problem that has already been solved.

Enjoy! :-)

My Permalink Demo

While working on my Read Offline plugin, I wanted to implement permalinks. After intensive googling and reading the WordPress source I thought I'd share my findings. This commented plugin demonstrates how to implement a custom permalink for your plugin. To test, add the [mypermalink] or [mypermalin.........

Similar: 24%

WP htaccess Control

WP htaccess Control should now really be called WP htaccess and Rewrite Control. It provides an interface to customize the htaccess file generated by WordPress but also its permalinks (author, category, archives, pagination and custom taxonomies). Have a look at the screenshot for a clearer idea of .........

Similar: 22%

BAW AutoShortener

AutoShortener can create short links in your WordPress website for your posts and pages but also for external links. You got many many great options, a usefull admin panel, bookmarklets, shorcodes. But easy to use ! Visit website for more informations....

Similar: 16%

Self Shortening Permalink URL for WordPress Blog

Self Shortening URL for WordPress Blog. Is based on an article ID, page, category or tag and rewrite the wordpress permalink url in a much shorter form....

Similar: 15%

Permalink Validator

WordPress 2.3 now includes validation of the permalink URL when using Apache web server, but if using IIS then this plugin is still relevant. Permalink Validator helps Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as it prevents duplicate contents on your WordPress blog: Adds trailing back-slash if missing (C.........

Similar: 14%

WP Login Flow

Looking to customize the core WordPress wp-login.php pages? Maybe you want to use my instead of What about emailing users an activation link when they register which lets them set their password? You can do all of this and more, with W.........

Similar: 12%

YD *FAST* Page update

Drastically reduce page updating time! This WordPress plugin optimizes page management routines, it accelerates page saving time by bypassing the very heavy process of rebuilding all the rewriterules of your pretty-permalink enabled blogs each time anything on a page is changed. When using WordPre.........

Similar: 10%

AskApache Password Protect

This is totally and completely unlike any other security plugin for WordPress. They operate at the application-level by controlling or using PHP to stop attacks, this plugin works at the network-level BEFORE PHP, which is why this plugin is so darn effective. This plugin is specifically designed t.........

Similar: 8%

Light SEO

WordPress SEO plugin. Focused in creating a clean plugin, with emphasis in source code's good practices. Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization). Features: Automatically optimizes your titles for search engines. Generates META tags automatically.........

Similar: 8%

ShortLink Analytics by SVS-Websoft

This plugin allows you to: - create shortlinks like - track unique visitors - track clicks - statistics by browser, OS, country, city - statistics by date (day, week, month, custom)...

Similar: 4%