Notebook Widget

By : corbee

A widget that exposes private categories, useful for navigation especially if you want to use wordpress as a diary or a notebook. Take note that private categories won't still be included in the count as this is technically a wordpress categories widget, except that it shows all categories.

We made this widget so that people who don't know how to code doesn't need to quit using wordpress if they needed this feature.

jQuery Notebook

This plugin is use to diaplay a category post as a Digital book style.the basic idea we have takes from jQuery Booklet Plugin.jQuery Notebook plugin also use some css and js file from .jQuery Notebook plugin have a fixed layout. so you can use this plugin in a full page layo.........

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Private categories

Make a private category (with login-logout) A login will then appear on the selected category page . Put in this category all posts that should be private not forget to change the status to private. Users must identify themselves to gain access to content Options: active/desactive privacy || choo.........

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Teachers Notebook Shopkeepers Widget

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Teachers Notebook FREE K-12 Educational Resources Widget

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Teachers Notebook FREE K-12 Teaching Tips Widget

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