Off Your Site

By : enqtran

Temporarily disable webste display to users but still display with administrators to update the website.

Spam Free

Get your WordPress Blog Spam-Free with this plugin. Normal users doesnt even know your using it. But it keeps away the spammers. There are no longer updates for now. Because I'm really busy with school. Maybe in the future. Sorry....

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This plugin will hide and disable the URL field from wordpress default comment form.I created this plugin after getting annoyed with spammers which were leaving its URL in Website Field of the comment form.I have taken the reference from WordPress codex . The plugin also works in Genesis Framework....

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AI Disable Comments

With this plugin you can disable or delete all approved, pending or spam comments and pings only with one click....

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Simple Trackback Disabler

This is a utility plugin that runs database operations on your WordPress database to change settings for and clean up unwanted trackbacks, pingbacks, and comments. Without this plugin you would have to change settings in WordPress and go through all your existing pages and posts and update those as .........

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Advanced Comment Control

Ever had someone comment on a post on your site that is really old? With the Advanced Comment Control plugin you can automatically disable commenting on old posts, or only allow certain roles to comment on certain post types. This is one of the easiest ways to handle spam and trolls. What can you d.........

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Video Widget YTB For WP

Options for sharing video from YouTube. Default size automatically according to the width of your web page....

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Mollom protects your site from spam and unwanted posts. Mollom enables you to focus on quality content, and to embrace user-contributed content and public engagement. Mollom automatically blocks all spam, accepts the content you want, and honestly admits when it is unsure — asking the author to so.........

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Disable Comments | WPZest

Disable Comments WPZ is a powerful and easy to use plugin, it allows administrators to globally or individually disable comments on any post type in one click (posts, pages, attachments(media), etc.) But sometimes you feel that some specific posts comments should be Turned on, this following featu.........

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Hidden captcha

El hidden captcha es un plugin anti-spam que permite bloquear a los robots que pretenden incluir spam en nuestra web o blog de forma abusiva y descontrolada. Con este plugin los usuarios no tendrán que rellenar ningún tipo de captcha, ya que para ellos el captcha se hace invisible, sie.........

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There have been many new good ideas of fighting automated Spam in WordPress. Most of these Plugins (like the antecessor of NoSpamNX: Yawasp) change the name of one (or more) of your comment field. On the one hand, this is indeed more effective, but on the other hand, this goes to the expense of comp.........

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