Offline Updater

By : Link

For those sites can't update online, like read-only cloud or recover-after-restart server, now you can just check out those updating files and easily deal with them.

Space Checker

Plugin to check free and used space on the server, prevent blog and database corruption and safe you data....

Similar: 25%

Empty Title & Category Checker

Checks if title is empty or if no category or category "no category" is checked then cancel publish or update...

Similar: 23%

Never Outdated

Never let your WordPress be outdated, receive an email whenever a new version of your favorite CMS is available! In order to use this plugin, you must first freely register on the related website: NeverOutdated. Then you will be able to add as many blogs as you wish. It’s free ! Periodically, our .........

Similar: 19%

Browser Update Ribbon

Puts a ribbon on the website if the user browser is older than expected. Minimum browser versions are customizable in the Settings menu, along with the title and a custom link. Now you can set the position and the image of the ribbon. This plugin has full support for translation into other language.........

Similar: 8%

SaFly Cloud Protection

SaFly Cloud Protection is a secure plug-in which helps you be away from being collected, brute force attack and so on, based on SaFly Cloud API. SaFly Cloud API is a series of innovative APIs created by SaFly.ORG™, aiming to help developers create their applications lightheartedly, which is fully fr.........

Similar: 6%

Cart66 Cloud :: Ecommerce with security

A secure and sophisticated approach to WordPress e-commerce. For less than you would pay for a payment gateway add-on and an SSL certificate you get a complete, PCI compliant, WordPress e-commerce system. This plugin connects your WordPress site to Cart66 Cloud which only costs $95/year. Sell dig.........

Similar: 6%

EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud

EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud is a WordPress plugin that will automatically optimize your images as you upload them to your blog. It can optimize the images that you have already uploaded, convert your images automatically to the file format that will produce the smallest image size (make sure you read.........

Similar: 6%


autometa is a simple plugin that uses the following shortcodes: [autua] = to reproduce the publication author name; [titul] = to reproduce the publication title; [dated] = to reproduce the publication date; [sumus] = to reproduce the excerpt; [urlug] = to reproduce the slug; [urlink.........

Similar: 6%

Super Tags Widget

The Super Tags plugin, is a customizable alternative to the default WordPress® Tag Cloud widget. This widget makes it possible for you to fully customize a Tag Cloud ( or multiple Tag Clouds ) to meet your specific needs. It takes the same options as the wp_tag_cloud() function. You can specify a nu.........

Similar: 6%

Cool Tag Cloud

The plugin renders a tag cloud using a professionally designed tag image as a background. The plugin's tag cloud is completely responsive and is correctly rendered in all browsers. If you liked my plugin, please rate it. Special thanks to Orman Clark for the tag image and to Dimox for the CSS cod.........

Similar: 5%