Permalink Redirect

This plugin makes sure you don't have ?q=ek or other weird variables in your URL's, by redirecting them all out.

  • Permalink Redirect.
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  • Check out the other WordPress plugins by the same author.

WP No Category Base

As the name suggests this plugin will completely remove the mandatory 'Category Base' from your category permalinks ( e.g. to ). The plugin requires no setup or modifying core wordpress files and will not break any links. It will also take ca.........

Similar: 23%

Advanced Permalinks

Provides advanced permalink options that allow you to: Have multiple permalink structures. Permalinks can be assigned to posts or ranges of posts 301 redirect old permalink structures (many structures are allowed) Category-specific permalinks. Posts in certain categories can be assigned a permal.........

Similar: 23%

Permalinks Moved Permanently

If you just migrated your WordPress blog from one permalink structure to another, and you don't want to lose Pagerank or traffic that accesses your blog through the old permalinks, this is for you. Right before the old permalink generates a 404, this simple plugin grabs the slug from the end of the.........

Similar: 23%

404 ReDirector

This simple plugin - which is also WordPress network compatible - automatically redirects 404 errors to the best matching and existing content in your WordPress blog. The matching is based on the slug of the content not found and searches also on taxonomy pages (tags & categories). This is perfe.........

Similar: 23%

Simmer Private

Not everyone who uses the Simmer recipe plugin needs to display their recipes as a custom post type on the front end of their website. Many food bloggers prefer to embed their recipes directly in existing posts or pages and have no use for single or archive views of the "recipe" post type. If you'r.........

Similar: 19%

Remove Category URL

This plugin will completely remove the '/category/' from your permalinks ( e.g. to ). No configuration is required...

Similar: 19%

Permalink Finder Plugin

The Permalink Finder Plugin detects when WordPress cannot find a permalink. Before it generates the 404 error the plugin tries to locate any posts with similar words. It does this by searching through the database trying to find any of the word values from the bad link. It takes the best match and t.........

Similar: 17%

Custom Pagination Permalinks

If you want to customize pagination URLs you can see that there are no options to change the URL suffix "[..]/page/[number]/" that WordPress implements in paging context: from home page, in category or tag navigation, search results pages, etc. This plugin allows you to define a new URL suffix to r.........

Similar: 17%

WordPress Shortcodes

WordPress Shortcodes is a free WordPress plugin that brings an amazing set of beautiful and useful elements to your site. The plugin comes bundled with the full set of elements, all absolutely free of charge. Learn how you can use WordPress Shortcodes to easily create import / export safe links to .........

Similar: 4%

Social Media Feather - lightweight social media sharing and follow buttons

WordPress Social Media Feather is a super lightweight free social media WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and painlessly add social sharing and following features to all your posts, pages and custom post types. The plugin supports adding of social buttons for sharing or following (that is.........

Similar: 3%