PerS Fade Away WordPress Admin Bar

Instead of disabling the WordPress 3.1 Admin Bar, use this plugin, based on Codrops Fixed Fade Out Menu, to fade away the WordPress Admin Bar when you scroll down the page.

For more information, please see the plugin home page

Show/Hide Admin Bar

This plugin adds some javascript that allows user to show/hide the admin bar on mouse over/out....

Similar: 50%

WP MiniBar

This is a very simple plugin to hide/show the WordPress toolbar in the front-end of the site, while leaving it alone in the admin section. The toolbar is hidden by default, and clicking 'Show' in the top left makes it appear. It can be hidden again by pressing 'Hide'. The plugin was inspired by th.........

Similar: 40%

Hide WP Toolbar

Easily hide or show the front-end WordPress Admin Toolbar with a click of a button. The plugin adds a special button to the right side of the WordPress Admin Toolbar that only displays when you are outside the admin area of WordPress on the front-end. Clicking it will make the admin bar slide off th.........

Similar: 29%

Auto Hide Admin Bar

Auto Hide Admin Bar makes the WordPress Toolbar disappear - and reappear when hovering the mouse pointer over the top of the browwer window. You end up with a clean view of your site, and keep having access to the WordPress Toolbar. If you have any comments or questions, please use the support forum.........

Similar: 29%

WP Admin No Show

This plugin will gives the site admin the ability to "blacklist" roles (subscriber, contributor, author, and/or editor) and will redirect all users assiged to any blacklisted roles when they try to access any wp-admin page (is_admin() is true). This plugin will also hide the admin bar for those user.........

Similar: 29%

WP Hide Dashboard

A simple plugin that removes the Dashboard menu, the Personal Options section and the Help link on the Profile page, hides the Dashboard links in the toolbar menu (if activated), and prevents Dashboard access to users assigned to the Subscriber role. Useful if you allow your subscribers to edit thei.........

Similar: 25%

Admin Bar Disabler

Pretty easy setup.. just install and activate it on the site of your choice (or network activate), and setup the settings however you'd like. This plugin supports both Per-Site and Per-Network (WordPress Multisite) settings, so you can fine tune your options based on your needs. If you're interest.........

Similar: 25%

WP User Redirects

This plug-in will disable all users (subscriber, contributor, author, and/or editor) except administrator from accessing admin pages in your wordpress. That mean after activating this plug-in only Administrator user will be able to access wp-admin page. Also this plug-in will hide the dashboard bar .........

Similar: 25%

WebMan Toggle Admin Bar

Actually, there is a great Chrome browser extension that does the job perfectly fine. WebMan Toggle Admin Bar is WordPress plugin that provides an easy way to toggle the WordPress admin bar on your website's front end. This plugin actually toggles the whole admin bar functionality, so it gets .........

Similar: 19%

Admin Bar & Dashboard Access Control

Simple plugin for disabling admin bar and preventing access to WordPress dashboard based on a user's roles. It is that simple :D...

Similar: 11%