PHP Code Widget

The normal Text widget allows you to insert arbitrary Text and/or HTML code. This allows that too, but also parses any PHP code in the text widget and executes it.

This can make it easier to migrate to a widget-based theme. However, this plugin should not be used long term, as anybody with access to edit the widgets on your site will be able to execute arbitrary PHP code.

All PHP code must be enclosed in the standard php opening and closing tags ( <?php and ?> ) for it to be recognized and executed.

Only users with the unfiltered_html role will be allowed to insert unfiltered HTML. This includes PHP code, so users without admin or editor permissions will not be able to use this to execute code, even if they have widget editing permissions.

WP Sidebar Essential

The normal Text widget allows you to insert arbitrary Text and/or HTML code. This allows that too, but also parses any inserted Shortcode and PHP code and executes smoothly. All Shortcode must be enclosed in the standard [ and ] tags for it to be recognized. All PHP code must be enclosed in the s.........

Similar: 75%

Widgetize It

This Widget is like a raw Widget. You can put every PHP Code into the Widget. It gives you the possibility to make non-widget features with a couple of clicks to an Widget....

Similar: 67%

Code to Widget

Code to Widget Plugin uses PHP files from a specified directory, and (if the file has the proper template tags) adds a Widget....

Similar: 50%


Like a normal text widget this allows you to easily post text and HTML, but now you can execute PHP too! This makes merging with other themes easier. !IMPORTANT! You must use tags for the code to be recognized....

Similar: 43%

PHP Errors Widget

The plugin allows to display PHP errors on the dashboard in a widget. I've wrap Gyrus's code into a plugin, you can see the original code here:

Similar: 40%

Server Info

This plugin will show you very useful information about the hosting server you are using e.g. PHP version, MySQL version, Server OS, Server Protocol, Server IP and other useful information. You will see the information about: PHP Version Operating System Server IP Server Hostname MySQL Version Sy.........

Similar: 23%

Allow PHP Execute

Allow PHP Execute Run PHP code inserted into WordPress posts and pages and Text Widget also you can add php code in your post or page title section. The PHP code runs as the page is sent to the browser. Output of the PHP code is published directly onto the post , page or widget section where the.........

Similar: 23%

WordPress FrontPage Banner

Frontpage Banner , Ads, Blog Introduction - > Use this plugin to display/Insert PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Announcements, Video's, Google Adsense or any other ads (affiliate/referrals) on your blog's frontpage. Frontpage is a prime space for any website/blog, use this plugin to increase your blog's a.........

Similar: 6%

Like Gate

Like Gate allows you to reveal some hidden/secret content when the user likes the article. All you have to do is insert some content between tags and that information will be shown after the like. This could be image, download link to an ebook, YouTube video (using iframe)...

Similar: 3%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%