
By : mhazami

With this plugin installed, you could resize images on the fly. just define the size and the way that you want to resize then it's done. it is perfect for wallpaper and stock photography websites.

Features of plugin include:

  • support different images formats. (PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF)
  • Intelligent sizing - No image distortion!
  • Resize by exact width/height. (exact)
  • Auto determine - let the script determine how to handle it. (auto)
  • Resize, then crop, with the exact size and no distortion. (crop)
  • Automatic download after resize.
  • Powerful shortcode.

Resize at Upload Plus

This plugin is basically just a little improvement of Resize-At-Upload, a fabulous plugin by A. Huizinga. The plugin will automatically resize an image upon upload, depending on the maximum width and height that you define. Gone are the days when you, or your client, will ruin a site's layout by up.........

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Resize at Upload

The plugin affects the uploaded image while it is uploaded. Straight after it is uploaded, it it resized physically to the given width. There is no original image left, nor made a backup. Also EXIF infor- mation is lost. A lot of WordPress users or developers who use WordPress as a CMS and want to .........

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manage image resize direct on template file...

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Optimize Images Resizing

If you were ever annoyed about the way WordPress handles images resizing, this is a plugin for you. What this plugin does is it optimizes the image handling in such a way that images are resized only when they are actually needed. What that means is that if your plugin/theme define a lot of image s.........

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Image resize wizz

Image resize wizz automatically resizes the images in posts, pages or categories to fit a maximum specified width. The pictures are not physically modified, the plugin only modifies the way the theme displays them in a post. How does it work? After you set a maximum width from the admin panel, all.........

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Artificial Intelligence Image Resizer allows you to Add image size to crop image dynamically with using code & Remap Image Size....

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Run time Image resizing

What if one would want to resize image at Run time? "Run time Image resizing" is answer of this Question. This plugin is useful to Developer as well as Non-Developer users. Developers can use this plugin by using Shortcode. In shortcode one has to pass attachment url or attachment id with width and.........

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Resize Image After Upload

This plugin automatically resizes images (JPEG, GIF, and PNG) when they are uploaded to within a given maximum width and/or height to reduce server space usage. This may be necessary due to the fact that images from digital cameras and smartphones can now be over 10MB each due to higher megapixel co.........

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Easy Image Widget

A Simple WordPress image widget that uses the native WordPress media manager or custom image link to add image widgets to site. French and German language supported by default....

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WordPress Image shrinker

You probably know that the speed of your website is important for both user experience and for your search engine ranking. The people at TinyPNG.com offered this great service where you could upload your PNG images and shortly also your JPG images, to have the file size shrinked to much lower amou.........

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