Post Linker

Post Linker is a simple plugin which interlinks all of your posts automatically. This keeps your visitors busy reading articles and will definitely increase "Time on site" & maybe your advertisement or affiliate money. You may be using a section like "You might also like these" into which you must be linking your other relevant posts manually. Post Linker automates your work so that you don't have to worry about recommended articles.

Post Linker automatically generates "You might also like" or "Recommended articles for you" or "Must read articles" section for you, which you can insert in between any of your posts. Some of its features are:

  • Automatically insert "You might also like" section inside any article
  • Takes care of display the most relevant links inside the section
  • Display the section wherever you want inside an article
  • Once links generated the headings, the article links and the sequence get fixed, its indexing friendly (I guess)
  • Article would just seem that links are inserted manually not dynamically by a plugin
  • You can store different default headings which will be used on all the posts
  • Deactivation disappears the shortcode from every posts
  • Many cool new features coming soon :)

Just give it a try you won't regret it. I know you'll definitely love it. Post Linker save your time which can be utilized in other productive work like visiting at , etc.

For more information visit: or

Jane's Related Posts

Related posts plugin (after content block). Named as "Jane's", because at first used on my wife's blog - Jane Bezmaternykh. You can fully customize displaying of widget by using predefined placeholders, such as {post_id}, {post_title}, {post_excerpt_N}, {post_author}, {post_author_link}, {permalin.........

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With this plugin you can create and manage very easily your tables from the wordpress administration. You can insert tables into your pages, articles, posts or in the 'ultimate tables' widget. Demo and plugin page Its main features are: You can create different tables. Within a page or post ca.........

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Specify Home Hidden Categories

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Cross-Promotion Content Recommendations by Engageya

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TT Post Viewer

I Appreciate if you please give reviews and any suggestions after using this plugin. If you like this plugin you can donate or contribute by clicking on this link TT Post Viewer is a plugin that lets you display Most recent posts, Most popular posts, Most commented posts, Related Posts, Featured Po.........

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Recommended Content by errnio

IMPORTANT This plugin only works if you have content on your site already. Your site needs to be active as well. Content Scroll by errnio adds a new engagement layer to your site with a simple addition of an article gallery, which is triggered to display only when your readers are done reading. The.........

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Mobile Reading Progress Bar by errnio

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WordPress Next Post by errnio

Next Post by errnio browses to the next post on the site when a user swipes right on the mobile screen (“swiping right” means from left to right direction). errnio detects the next post through the wordpress next_post_link() API call. Please note this plugin works on mobile only. You can further cus.........

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Social Share Pop

That I believe if life gives you lemons, make lemonade ... You should try to find somebody And Whose Life has Given them vodka, and have a party. It is a tool of social networks to counter your post. It has the following counters Facebook Twitter Google Plus ...

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LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

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