Post Notification

By : morty

** WARNING: This plugin is not actively maintained any more. If you are interested in taking over (or just fixing the use of depricated functions), please drop me a mail.** Besides that, it is working fine without maintenance since the end of 2009.

  • Changelog
  • WP Mail SMTP is recommended


  • Can handle thousands of subscribers. And has a simple back end to manage them.
  • Translations (Front and Backend): German, French, Dutch
  • Frontends: Hebrew, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Japaneese
  • Subscribers can choose categories.
  • Easy to translate:The frontend should take a few minutes, the backend a bit longer. Please send me your translations!
  • The Post can be included, if you wish, only up to the more-tag.
  • Mails can be sent as HTML or text.
  • If you send text mails, the post is formated.
  • Double Opt-in
  • Frontend and mails are configured via templates. It is easy to change everything without messing in the code.
  • Easy im- and export of Emails
  • Every recipient gets his personal mail, with a link to change his subscribed categories or to unsubscribe.
  • Nervous Finger option (Mail isn't sent right away - so you still have time to change things once you posted.)
  • You can decide how many mails are sent in a burst and how long to pause between bursts.
  • Decide on a per post basis whether to send a mail, or not, or just use the default.
  • Captchas
  • Integrates into almost any theme without tweaks.
  • Does not need WP-Cron or anything like that.
  • Possebility to adjust mails with userfunctions
  • much more

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