
By : hearvox

No more shoehorning stylesheets and JavaScripts into the post content box. No more loading scripts on every post that only a few use. Postscript lets you easily add libraries or single-post script and style files post-by-post.

The plugin uses the WordPress "enqueue" methods, which means you can control dependencies (when registering scripts), improve site performance by putting styles in the head and scripts in the footer, and eliminate loading multiple copies of the same library (jQuery, I'm looking at you).

Per Post Scripts & Styles

Properly and safely add specific Javascript and CSS stylesheets to single posts, pages, and custom post types. Features: Dynamic URLs with %HOME_URL%, %SITE_URL%, and %THEME_URL% variables Script dependency support as well as script duplication checking The option to load scripts in either the he.........

Similar: 67%

Performance Optimization: Order Styles and Javascript

Did you ever read about Optimization of website/blog through ordering styles and Scripts in head section? If you like your website load in browser as quickly as possible then you may have read in performance optimization tips that you should move all CSS files on top and script at last in HTML hea.........

Similar: 45%

Custom CSS and Javascript

Unavailable pending bugfix. This plugin allows you to add custom site-wide CSS styles and Javascript code to your WordPress site. Useful for overriding your theme's styles and adding client-side functionality. Features a code editor with syntax highlighting and AJAX saving to avoid reloading the ed.........

Similar: 40%

Scripts and Styles

Inject JavaScript and CSS files into your website without having to know the details of the underlying HTML. Paste the URLs to external files into the WordPress Admin Settings, and Scripts and Styles will create and insert <script> and <link> tags for you. Banner image by JD Hancock (ht.........

Similar: 36%

Simple Custom CSS and JS

Customize your WordPress site's appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files. This is perfect for adding custom CSS tweaks to your site....

Similar: 27%

Protocol Relative Theme Assets

This plugin transforms any registered, enqueued CSS or JavaScript URLs into their "protocol-relative" equivalent. Consider the following examples: Protocol Relative CSS URL <link href="//

Similar: 25%

Custom Styling (for developers)

Ever want a place where you can put your custom CSS/JS/JQ that would never get over-written? That's exactly what this plugin does. Even if your theme has a designated area for saving custom CSS/JS/JQ, some other reason you should consider this plugin are: Input areas allow for tab indentation. Doe.........

Similar: 23%

WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic

Plugin WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic speed up your WordPress website, save resources and bandwidth of server, increase website's Google PageSpeed Insights point. Everything is done completely automatically, and you can change the options from the administration settings panel....

Similar: 22%

PUZZLER is JS + CSS combine

Puzzler - it excellent js/css aggregator for advanced users: Automatically combines all enqueued scripts/styles into a single file, for faster loading blog. Starts immediately without setting. You can adds scripts and styles in queue, change the order, edit - and Puzzler automatically make recombi.........

Similar: 21%

The Welcomizer

Quickly create animations for your WordPress blog. Designed for webmasters, marketing consultants, web designers and bloggers. Demo page <- Basic examples Multisite friendly. ∞...

Similar: 7%