Prism Highlight

This plugin uses the Prism.JS to Highlight & Style Code

The plugin also adds styling to the existing prism Quick tag in your WordPress text editor.

For More Detail Check This Link: How to Beautify WordPress Code using Prism.js

Languages Supported:

  • Markup
  • CSS
  • C-like
  • JavaScript
  • PHP

WP Code Prettify

This plugin enable syntax highlighting of code snippets in your post using Google Code Prettify....

Similar: 67%


CodeColorer is the plugin which allows you to insert code snippets into the post with nice syntax highlighting. Plugin based on GeSHi library, which supports most languages. CodeColorer has various nice features: syntax highlighting in RSS feeds syntax highlighting of single line of code (inline).........

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IDE Micro code-editor

Short code implementation of Codeflask Usage [codeflask language="langused" title="title of file or what ever!"] code goes here [/codeflask] You are required to set both these attributes. Current attributes language = type of syntax. title = title of editor. Demo You can view it wor.........

Similar: 47%

Code Prettify

Uses the Google Code Prettify library that is minified and properly enqueued. Plugin applies code highlighting automatically to all <pre> and <code> tags on the page....

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WP SyntaxHighlighter

This plugin is code syntax highlighter based on Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter ver. 3.0.83 and 2.1.382....

Similar: 31%

Developer Formatter

Create a better display of codes on your page/blog. For everybody that publish examples, source-code and some tips about a specific language. This plugin do use of GeSHi highlight system, so you will have support for more then 110 languages, including PHP, ASP, Html, JavaScript, CSS, Java, Python, D.........

Similar: 25%

SmartAss Highlighter

SmartAss Highlighter is a simple and easy to use code prettifier for wordpress. The code between <pre> and </pre> tags is highlighted. Almost all languages are supported, no need to mention the code language. Customizable for each post, use [highlighter] shortcode to enable for particul.........

Similar: 19%

WP Code Highlight

WP Code Highlight provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets and it is W3C valid. Wrap code blocks with <pre> and </pre> It provides a code button(HTML editor) to help you insert code in articles easily. You don't need to specify the language since WP Code Highlight will gues.........

Similar: 17%

iSoftware Blocks

Blocks lets you create your own reusable blocks of content where you can use shortcodes to insert code snippets, HTML including forms, iframes, etc and control formatting. You can insert Blocks into pages, posts, widgets or directly into php content. It is ideal for inserting reusable objects into.........

Similar: 16%

Global Content Blocks

Global Content Blocks lets you create your own shortcodes to insert reusable code snippets, PHP or HTML including forms, opt-in boxes, iframes, Adsense code, etc, into pages and posts as well as widgets and directly into php content. You can insert them directly using shortcodes or via a button in .........

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