Top 10 Most Popular Prettify Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular prettify wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Web Typography Standards

Автоматическое применение правил типографики для WordPress. Оnly for the Russian language typography...Popular Score : 405,000,000

2. WP SyntaxHighlighter

This plugin is code syntax highlighter based on SyntaxHighlighter ver. 3.0.83 and 2.1.382....Popular Score : 51,200,000

3. Prism Highlight

Styles The Code using lightest Prism.JS....Popular Score : 50,500,000

4. WP Code Prettify

This plugin enable syntax highlighting of code snippets in your post using Google Code Prettify....Popular Score : 31,000,000

5. WP-code-button

This plugin code prettify plugin using google code prettify. the code higlighting effect will be seen directly in the tinymce editor....Popular Score : 29,600,000

6. Prettify For WordPress

Easily add Google Code Prettify to your WordPress site. Customize the coloring with easy with options powered by ThemeKit For WordPress....Popular Score : 26,100,000

7. Code Block Enabler

A filter that displays blocks nicely while still allowing formatting and also colorizes the output using Google Prettify...Popular Score : 22,200,000

8. google-syntax

This is a code prettify plugin. the code higlighting effect will be seen directly in the mce editor....Popular Score : 8,200,000

9. Prettify Code Syntax

Code syntax highlighter using Google Prettify, supporting the HTML5 recommendation, and caching plugins....Popular Score : 6,440,000

10. wp-Typography

Improve your web typography with: hyphenation, space control, intelligent character replacement, and CSS hooks....Popular Score : 5,100,000