
By : unknown

This plugin code prettify plugin using google code prettify.This plugin highlighting of code snippets in your post for WordPress Blog. | 在你博客文章中使用Google Code Prettify美化代码,很酷的代码高亮插件

Related Links: * Plugin Homepage * Google Code Prettify


WordPress simplest, most compact, preferably with code highlighting plug, only one can get everything pre labels, compatible with all standard google-code-prettify code highlighting scheme, this plug-in HTML editor environment only by using the visual editor user, do not use! ! !...

Similar: 50%

Code Prettify

Uses the Google Code Prettify library that is minified and properly enqueued. Plugin applies code highlighting automatically to all <pre> and <code> tags on the page....

Similar: 34%

Pygments for WordPress

This WordPress plugin is a syntax highlighter for many different computer languages, including HTML, Python, PHP, Javascript, CSS, and many others. It uses the Pygments syntax highlighter from Python. See http://derek.simkowiak.net/pygments-for-wordpress/ for full documentation....

Similar: 29%

Prism Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

Despite two plugins already on wordpress.org I decided to write my own from scratch. The result is a minimalistic but powerful plugin with only ~250 lines of PHP. Supports every possible Prism configuration. Does not load prism on every page, only when needed. Supports automatic detection of prism.........

Similar: 19%

Code Block Enabler

A filter that displays blocks nicely while still allowing formatting and also colorizes the output using Google Prettify...

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Plum Code Box

Do you ever have a really hard getting your code formatted correctly in a post? Or do you ever have issues preserving tabs? Plum Code Box makes it easy to insert and manage code blocks using the Chili javascript syntax highlighter. The plugin adds option boxes to post and page editors. There are al.........

Similar: 17%

WP Code Prettify

This plugin enable syntax highlighting of code snippets in your post using Google Code Prettify....

Similar: 17%


Uses highlight.js. 26 themes included. 55 languages supported (54 from highlight.js + 1 for nginx commands). Auto-detects language. Super-optimised, only loads js for the language. Adds buttons to tinyMCE for ease of adding code blocks. Optimised code with minimal overheads. All code on Github. ...

Similar: 12%

Wp-Syntax Hacktify

A plugin allowing you to change the WP-Syntax code highlighting color scheme elegantly. WP-Syntax rawks for writing about geeky stuff, but I want it more blacker. And I want a CSS file to hack instead of those icky and inefficient inline styles. I got the basic idea from WP-Syntax-Colorizer but w.........

Similar: 10%

Power Code Editor

Helps you more effectively edit your themes or plugins when you only have access to a browser, by enabling syntax highlighting in WordPress' integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please provide any feedback at http://anetech.eu/power-code-editor/ Everything is don.........

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